Monday, March 12, 2007

Why Dilbert creator Scott Adams might enjoy this blog

There is one major reason Scott Adams, creator of the syndicated comic strip "Dilbert", would probably like this blog: it now mentions him by name. Just a few weeks ago, this might have been an irrelevant point: there is no way Adams would ever have come acros the blog, and if he had, he certainly would not have continued to read it long enough to spot this post (unless, of course, he's a closet ultimate frisbee/fantasy sports junkee). However, all this has changed in the last week.

What's Changed
What has changed, as Adams recently chortled on his blog, is that Google has released a feature called Google Alerts. This program can be set to scan for specified words, and upon finding a new example, it will alert the customer. In Adams' case, every time a blog mentions "Scott Adams", and "Dilbert", a alert is sent to his Blackberry (I join you in thinking that's pretty neat, Scott).

So finally the perfect union of narcissists has been realized. Its constituents:
-Adams, who wants the selfish pleasure of seeing his name in print,
-The blogger, even more desperate to be read.

So I hope you got a kick out of this little meeting, Scott. I know I did. If you're really interested, you can read on a little and find out how to name a fantasy team or test yourself to see if you're a liberal or a conservative. However, I have to be honest with you: your name will not appear again, so you would probably be better off clicking your Blackberry over to the next blogger craving famous eyes. It's sad to see you go, but I know it would be selfish to hoard you to myself while there are other narcissists out there. Take care Scott, and know that it was good for me, too.

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