Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Google cooking

I got home today and looked in the refrigerator to discover nothing but condiments, 2 eggs, some broccoli, onions, and a can of corn. I frowned for a second, thinking a trip to the supermarket was required, then inspiration struck.
I opened my computer, went to Google, and typed in "onions,broccoli,corn,egg,recipe". An instant later, a host of dinner possibilities appeared on my screen. After clicking through a couple, I chose "Broccoli Corn Casserole" and went to work. I am happy to report that the results were quite good.

What's more, I learned that Google-cooking is actually a common phenomenon. Every day, many people simply google ingredients and select the most appealing recipe to become the day's dinner. This is yet another way in which google has revolutionized the world: I look back on the me of 10 years ago, sadly making my way to the grocery store. Now I can put that trip off indefinitely.

Tomorrow's search: "salt, droopy carrots, teaspoon strawberry jam, beer."

Ah, to be alive in the google generation.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

wow...and yet another use for google I hadn't yet discovered.